What online workplace options are available? What about the collaboration tools that appear in those spaces? Does your organization require the use of proprietary software, or are you free to take advantage of the open source tools that are outpacing the field? We’ll help you work with either.
Your team members need remote access to constantly updated files. We’ll set up your cloud file system to reflect who in which group needs access to what, using reliable methods to ensure security.
Well-designed backup systems reduce wear on your file storage devices. Leverage journaled solutions to ensure that the important files created and modified by your team daily are efficiently backed up.
Do you have consultants, suppliers, contractors or other outsiders accessing your network? Our "secret sauce" consists of our system of Measurably Reliable Identity Credentials. It's optional. But, you'd be surprised how well
it improves network security.
Your platform should let you see whether the person you need to speak to is busy with someone else, then go to their office, knock on their door or just start talking - without having to schedule a meeting.
Let Abyx, using its groundbreaking placeware platform, deliver a real online office for you.
Our architectural planning team will show you
As with your physical office, your online office will receive guests. And as with your physical office, guests are asked at the lobby for some form of ID, to avoid the “meeting bombing” problems (and far more serious problems) that users of online “meetingware” products have experienced.
Incorporated in 2015, Abyx, Inc has selected, implemented, and maintained the online workplaces and teamwork tools for the companies of the Authenticity Alliance.
We and other key members of our team are ready to share our expertise in online workplace tools.
Juanita M. Little-Lyons
Jyoti Attri
Dan Kioria
Online workplace solutions based on W3C standards are quickly becoming dominant for audio, video, and screen-sharing. These are often paired with group chat services. How can your team find the right meeting+chat solution in a context that works best for you? Consult with us and learn from our experience.
We're talking about spaces where you can walk around, see if your colleague is busy or can be interrupted, knock on their door or just spontaneously ask a question or resolve an issue without cumbersome session planning and scheduling.
Hey, just talk!
“In teamwork, silence isn't golden, it's deadly.”
— Mark Sanborn
When you need the latest file, you need it right away. Clarity streamlines your organizational flow. It polishes your image when working with clients. Avoiding duplicate files prevents lost work.
In addition to selecting the cloud file sync-and-share solution that meets your needs, the folder structure needs to be self-explanatory to the many contributors. Learn from our experience in deploying file sync-and-share and managing file systems in such environments.
“Several technological and political forces have converged, and that has produced a global, Web-enabled playing field that allows for multiple forms of collaboration without regard to geography or distance - or soon, even language.”
— Thomas
Journaled and similar file sync systems to track changes, every change is synced reliablely and efficiently. Can you leverage that efficiency for file backup? Yes, you can. Learn from us.
Hybrid cloud file backup ensures the integrity and availability of your team's valuable work with minimal effort and maintenance.
“Your bank’s ATM network starts with the premise that knowing who you are is the foundation of security."
— Wes Kussmaul, Quiet Enjoyment, Second Edition (2014), p. 127
Your receptionist establishes accountability from those who enter the building by asking for ID. You know your employees. Do you know every vendor, client, or other visitor to your office? Identity is the foundation of security.
Does your online workplace collect your personal data? Ours puts your personal data under your control for real privacy.